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Welcome to Fab and Fit Over 50!
Live your best life, no matter your age with Fab and Fit Over 50
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Feel Fabulous!
Stay fit, fabulous, and confident at 50+ with Fab and Fit Over 50
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Finally feel healthy & lose weight
Embrace the beauty and confidence of aging with Fab and Fit Over 50
Free Fitness Videos

“Embrace a new beginning and unleash your limitless potential with each step forward.”

You're in the right place if you're looking to transform your body and improve your overall well-being.

Homepage -Get Your Health Back Women Over 50

Transform Your Life After 50: Join Our Community and Unleash Your Best Self!

My Husband And I

How Every Busy Mum Over 50 Can Lose Weight Fast!

I rediscovered myself and embraced a new journey to health and happiness. I was an overweight stay-at-home mother, looking after our two children and our home. I hadn’t worked for 16 years, and middle age was fast creeping up on me. I was trying to be a good mother and housewife. I really wanted to lose weight and feel good about myself again. "I wanted to get fit so that I would no longer suffer from low self-esteem.” Then, as if by chance, something amazing happened, and I started to change.


Personal trainer & fitness instructor
17 Best Home Workouts to Try Right Now

Now I’m slimmer - I feel less lethargic and have more zing!

Unleash the 50+ power within and transform your life with energy, clarity, and confidence. Because I feel more active, I feel more alert and less 'foggy' in the head - I feel sharper. Something clicked - I got up one morning and said to myself 'enough is enough now' - I’m 50 plus and if I don’t do anything about it now, I’ll be 65 before I know it and it’ll be too late.


NLP Practitioner
health, fitness, over 50, nutrition, wellness

Just like "The truth about rapid weight loss" - with Dr Mosley - The Fast 800 - Lose Weight, Stay Healthy, Live Longer.

BUT - With the 14-Day Kick Start Programme, you will get so much more!

You will use mental rewiring to change the way you feel about yourself.

You will change your image of yourself and by so your life.

What you get in our 14 Day Kick Start Program:


Free Videos: HIIT, Stretches, and Meditation Workouts

Pay £17 – usually £37

Meet our latest 14-Day Kick-Start Program Success Story!

This is a fantastic programme, and does exactly what it says.

The weight just drops off , it is extremely easy to follow, no difficult ingredients.  It is a little bit brutal but so worthwhile when you step on those scales!  If you  want to lose a lot of weight quickly then it really works. I had put on 10lb during lockdown and just could not get out of the rut. It is brilliant. I lost it all and feel fantastic. A brilliant quick kick start to a long term programme or perfect pre holiday / party programme. Beatrice is very motivational and I highly recommend the 14 day kick start programme ! 


Founder at Manuka Direct

What Our Customers Say About The 14 Day Kick Start Program

Well, the 14-day kickstart program was the start of my new life! A loss of 6.5 kilos is absolutely wonderful to start with!

That's the best I've done! I lost 5.5 kg during that time, it suited me perfectly to know what I would eat every day.

The kickstart program has helped me a lot. The results were 3 cm at the waist, 3 cm around the hips and a drop of 5 kg on the scales. Your motivational emails have been so incredibly good and I wish I could get these even now!

I'm so happy, now things have started to happen both on the scales and the measuring tape. Minus 4 kg first week! It's going so well, I'm so happy I found the food diary. I’m not hungry for sweet things anymore, it's probably the best thing about this. My energy level is up as well!

It does what it says. I have lost 3,5 kilos in these two weeks. I would like to say that The 14 Day Kick Start Program has changed my whole life's view of food. Now I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that I can keep this going.

The kick start went really well. My husband and I lost 6 and 4 kg respectively in 14 days. Right now we are getting started again and we thought it was great food and recipes. We will stick to this diet, as much as possible, even if we do add in some more calories as we now are on the next phase in our weight journey!  We feel so much better.

Thank you for being there when I got a kick up the ‘butt’! I lost 4 kg during the kick start.

Your “golden nuggets” motivational emails have been so inspirational and I wish I could get these even now. Thank you for sending them out for a full month though!

Transform Your Life: Subscribe Now for Exclusive Updates and Tips on Living a Healthier, Happier Life!

Free Videos!

Pay £17 – usually £37

Free Videos: HIIT, Stretches, and Meditation Workouts

Pay £17 – usually £37

Here's What You Get Now...

✅ Quick & Easy Warm-Up-Stretches – Video Series (£17.00 Value)

✅ HIIT 7 Minutes Videos – 3 Live Workouts – Beginner Friendly – Mini Video Course (£27.00 Value)

✅ The HIIT 7 Minutes Videos – 5 Live Workouts – Intermediate / Beginner Insiders Guide. – Mini Video Course (£37.00 Value)

✅ The How-To Feel OK With ‘What Is’ – Gratitude Meditation Guide Audio File (£27.00 Value)

✅ The Private Facebook Group Secrets – Accountability Group (£7.00 Value)

Here's What You Will Get Once It Is All On The New Membership Site...

✅ The Quick & Easy Meal Plan For The 14 Day Kick Start Program – PDF (£27.00 Value)

✅ Your Guide To Macros, Micros, Minerals And Portion Control – Planner (£17.00 Value)

✅ The Quick & Easy What Is: HIIT, Tabata, And Interval. Decoded – Calendar (£17.00 Value)

✅ Shopping List- 14 Day Kick Start Program Insiders Guide – Checklist (£7.00 Value)

✅ Body Measurement Sheet Secrets – PDF (£7.00 Value)

✅ The Quick & Easy Photo Weight Loss Chart – PDF (£7.00 Value)

✅ Power Words Secrets – PDF (£7.00 Value)

✅ Power Statement Survival Guide – PDF (£17.00 Value)

✅ The Passion Cards Guide – PDF (£17.00 Value)

✅ The Guide to Quick & Easy Track And Check How You Feel Today – PDF (£17.00 Value)

✅ How To Question Your Thoughts Explained – PDF (£17.00 Value)

✅ BONUS: “The Best Guided Relaxing Organ Meditation For Beginners Decoded” -Audio File (£7.00 Value)

✅BONUS: “The Best Fitness Exercises Library” – 60 Exercise Secrets Every Person Needs To Know -PDF (£17.00 Value)

✅BONUS: The Photo Library & How To Do The 5 Workouts Properly – PDF (£17.00 Value)

“I help people as a way to work on myself, and I work on myself to help people.” by Ram Dass


Feel the fear and do it anyway!

"Here’s to the crazy ones.

The misfits.

The rebels.

The troublemakers.

The round pegs in the square holes.

The ones who see things differently.

They’re not fond of rules.

And they have no respect for the status quo.

You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them.

About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them.

Because they change things.

They push the human race forward.

And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.

Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”


Steve Jobs.